Tutorials for Parents (How-To's)


At-Home Learning

TBCSC Family Services Department

We are committed to supporting our families and take much pride in providing wrap-around services to the entire family. Our Family Services Department is here to offer parents and caregivers in need of support due to family stressors, such as children's mental health issues, parenting difficulties, financial struggles, chemical usage, immigration support, domestic violence, child support and HRA support with our live HRA government portal, and much more. The Family Services Department nurtures families and children through goal setting, listening and respect, connecting to community resources, support, knowledge, and self-advocacy. We meet with parents to understand their questions and concerns and work with them to develop a plan for addressing the family's needs. We help family members identify appropriate community resources; help to improve communication between parents, schools, mental health providers and other community resources; and work collaboratively as part of a team. The ultimate goal is to empower parents and caregivers to make and implement positive decisions necessary for their child.

familyservices@tbcsc.org | Office 718.402.3300 | Mrs. Miranda 347.424.6837 

Dignity Care Act

TBCSC will not tolerate harassment, intimidation, coercion, bullying, or cyberbullying that: (a) has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student's educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or (b) reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his/ her physical safety; or (c) reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or emotional harm to a student; or (d) occurs off school property and creates or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment, where it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation or abuse might reach school property.

Acts of harassment, intimidation, coercion and bullying include, but are not limited to, those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, national origin, citizenship, disability, weight, economic status, or political beliefs. TBCSC considers isolating another student on the basis of any of these actual or perceived statuses to be a form of harassment and bullying.


Gender means the actual or perceived sex of an individual and includes a person's gender identity or expression. Sexual Orientation means the actual or perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality. Cyberbullying means coercion, intimidation, harassment or bullying that occurs through any form of electronic communication or information technology, including, but not limited to, e-mail, instant messaging, blogs, chat rooms, pagers, cell phones, gaming systems and all forms of social media and websites.

The Dignity Care Act Coordinator at the TBCSC is Carolyn Lashley, Director of Family and Student Support Services. Ms. Lashley may be reached at 718.402.3300 or via e-mail at clashley@tbcsc.org.

Family Handbook

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